Water for Nescafé is a story about the subtlety of transformation. The life of Dinorah, a waitress in a cantina dominated by immovable customs and submission in a masculine environment, is affecte...
Water for Nescafé is a story about the subtlety of transformation. The life of Dinorah, a waitress in a cantina dominated by immovable customs and submission in a masculine environment, is affected by the arrival of Medina, a young and powerful man. This character, who always orders coffee and treats her kindly, inadvertently becomes an influence on Dinorah and triggers subtle and gradual changes in her. She, far from being a Cinderella waiting for a way to a better life, begins to perceive her surroundings with different eyes, to think about herself and discover her own universe. In the end, routine and machismo will make him see that the small oasis he has built for himself is valuable in itself and that, in solitude, he is a happy person.