In collaboration with the indigenous Yanomami people of Brazil, The Falling Sky follows Yanomami leader and shaman Davi Kopenawa as he fights to restore balance to the world through closely observe...
In collaboration with the indigenous Yanomami people of Brazil, The Falling Sky follows Yanomami leader and shaman Davi Kopenawa as he fights to restore balance to the world through closely observed rituals and scathing commentary on the ruthless logic of a materialistic outer culture. Illegal logging, gold mining, and the deadly mix of epidemics these intrusions spread threaten the existence of the Yanomami. Drawing on a keen understanding of geopolitical forces, Davi Kopenawa holds up a mirror to the capitalist societies of "commodity people" and the unsustainable lifestyle of so-called "developed countries" that threatens the survival of humanity as a whole. Director: Eryk Rocha, Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha Year: 2024 Country: Italy, Brazil Runtime: 1 h 50 min