Wicked Little Letters is an incredibly funny, cheeky, and original film that will be sure to put a smile on your face. It follows a series of bizarre events as the pious and reserved Edith receives...
Wicked Little Letters is an incredibly funny, cheeky, and original film that will be sure to put a smile on your face. It follows a series of bizarre events as the pious and reserved Edith receives a string of crude letters, supposedly from her boisterous neighbour Rose. It’s one of those delightful British films that brings to a light a surprisingly true story and packs it full of brilliant British talent. The story is great fun. As mentioned it’s cheeky and lewd but this isn’t the only string to its bow. There are some brilliantly fleshed out and interesting lead characters as well as a great collection of supporting characters, which gives it a great blend of comedy and drama. But Olivia Coleman (NETFLIX The Crown) has great fun as Edith, Jessie Buckley is an utter joy as Rose, Anjana Vasan is comically deadpan, and Timothy Spall gives depth to arguably the most difficult character - all the performances are good, and the film is well worth watching on that basis alone. As long as you don’t mind a bit of bad language! Or a lot...