Yes, she is the daughter of Mikhail Baryshnikov. A freaky crime thriller with squalid surroundings and a celestial soundtrack. In the southwest in the late 1980s, a young female bodybuilder finds a...
Yes, she is the daughter of Mikhail Baryshnikov. A freaky crime thriller with squalid surroundings and a celestial soundtrack. In the southwest in the late 1980s, a young female bodybuilder finds a new home in a small town. She comes across a young female employee at a gym whom she quickly connects with, but who turns out to be at odds with her family, a hive of degenerates. Their romance ends up being intertwined in a web of crime. Kristen Stewart is quite good in this as the black sheep of the family and a determined rebel. Katy O’Brian turns out to be the unexpected life blood of this film. Her performance is so multidimensional that the film just wouldn’t be as good without her. She conveys curiosity, fear, rage and ultimately ecstasy in the arms of her newfound muse. Her discovery of steroids adds a nice bonus, but it’s possible this plot thread merely unleashed a fierce beast that was always there and never had a escape valve. Although profoundly gripping and impossible to tune out, this is definitely not for squeamish viewers. Highly recommended to those like edgy filmmaking.