This film is inspired by the life of Donald Lavoie, a hitman who marked the history of crime in Quebec (Canada) at the end of the 1970s when the media of the time made him a star. Director Raymond ...
This film is inspired by the life of Donald Lavoie, a hitman who marked the history of crime in Quebec (Canada) at the end of the 1970s when the media of the time made him a star. Director Raymond St-Jean chose to keep simple by avoiding any glamorization of a man initially endowed with charisma, whose fall was as abrupt as his rise was rapid within the underworld of southwest Montreal. The filmmaker of course focuses on describing the murders in which Lavoie was involved—which he shows very dryly, without any commercial elements. Éric Bruneau in the role of Donald Lavoie by reveals the implacable nature of a killer capable of coldly carrying out orders. The story also takes a new direction when Inspector Roger Burns (Sylvain Marcel) arrives in the scene, who will make Lavoie an informant The film deftly combines real-life stories with fictional elements, maintaining a balance that keeps viewers on their toes throughout its runtime. The tension is palpable, woven seamlessly with moments of profound drama that underscore the personal stakes involved. Overall this is one cinematic experience you don’t want to miss...